据说,星期三在其主页上推出了首个第三方广告——一个下载携带Google Toolbar的火狐浏览器(Firefox)的链接。该宣传广告出现在搜索框的下面,可惜现在我用IE也已经看不到了……就是下面这个图(来源于SpreadFirefox!):

一个美国的自发团体发起了一项名叫”IE摧毁者”(Explorer Destroyer)活动,旨在让更多的用户停止使用IE,而转向FireFox。该组织在他们的网站上称只要你让你的网站的用户开始使用FireFox,就可以获得1美元的奖励。下面是该网站上的部分原文:

You already want people to switch to Firefox. Now’s the time to get serious about it. Google is paying $1 for each new Firefox user you refer.

This is pretty amazing. Now you can advance your ideals, save people from popups and spyware hell, and make some serious money. Millions of people have heard about Firefox and are ready to switch–all they need is a friendly push.

Explorer Destroyer的组织者还为网站的拥有者提供了脚本技术,能够检测到访问者是否在运行IE浏览器。如果发现用户使用IE浏览器的话,这个网站将提醒用户下载Firefox浏览器以便更好地浏览,否则就什么只能看到类似这样的页面:



1. You’ll only see porn when you want to.
2. Your kids will only see porn when they want to.

3. Your computer won’t spend its free time telling the world about Viagra soft tabs.
(这个是说FF的安全性很好。遗憾的是最近被暴N个严重漏洞,汗……相关文章:Firefox曝光21处漏洞 用户应立即升级

4. Mozilla doesn’t inflate prices and use the money to vaccinate children in Africa.

5. If we knew web designers would hurl themselves off it, we wouldn’t have put the Golden Gate bridge so close to San Francisco.

6. Keep squinting and your eyes will get stuck like that, stupid.

7. It will make Bill Gates soooooooooo mad.
(呵呵,想让比尔soooooooooo mad……)

8. Mozilla has never made a talking paperclip.

9. Ritalin is fun, but A.D.D. is not.

10. It’s like switching from dating a 14-year-old to dating an 18-year-old.

11. Reduce your weekly family & friends tech support load to 8 hours.

12. More effective than throwing pies.

13. Because the Department of Justice Lacks Balls.


  1. FireFox 上是不是不会抵制 Flash 啊?
    不过如果真的换成了 FF 那我做的 HTML 就有好多乱七八糟了..[disinclined]

  2. 呵呵,应该不会的,至少我目前还没有碰到。

  3. 这么做了不是强迫我们用firefox吗,跟ie有什么区别,FF这么做太没品了,连google也跟着掺,一切都是因为money啊,大家要有清醒的认识啊。而且我还知道wordpress有个插件叫killfirefox,看这个名字你就知道了,呵呵

  4. Google这是摆明了要跟M$挑啊,呵呵

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